Saturday, July 19, 2008

Happy Birthdays - All about you!

Don't you think that everybody should have just one day every year that is special, that (within reason) you can have or do whatever makes you happy? That is truly all about you? I do! And what better day to do that than your birthday? Why not? Most major Holidays are all about doing for other folks, and that is wonderful. I enjoy that immensely. Would not change it for the world. That's the way it should be. Turn about is fair play, though, and on your birthday, shouldn't you reap what you sow? Now, you know, it does not have to be Lobster and champagne, unless of course you CAN do that, and I say go for it. But gosh - the sky really can be the limit. You want to dress up and go to that fancy white tablecloth restaraunt down the way? Splurge on! You want burgers on the grill? Beans and franks? Golf course or Lifetime movies. It is YOUR day! You will learn lots about yourself by the choices you make and the choices of those around you. At our house we have learned that simpler is better. We used to do the all dressed up and go for hours thing. Age and time taught, that for us, enjoying simpler things took the pressure off. Now we enjoy family, close friends and good home cooked food that we rarely have the luxury of enjoying on a regular basis in these busier than ever times.

Donna says: Take a day for yourself, be the king or queen of all you survey, and celebrate another year. You deserve it.

Happy Birthday!

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